Let me begin by saying Merry Christmas.
If it is MERRY.
Is it such a Merry Christmas though ?
I know I am supposed to wish all good things on this occasion. But please, start watching the movie below and come back to me again, okay ?.....
So...., You know what, Let's make this, no, wait, OUR WORLD A Better Place, For You, For Me and For The Entire Human Race ! as RIP M.Jackson said. Start from yourself asking what and how you could contribute for it ?
In the face of WAR, WE have to believe there can be PEACE. In the face of DESPAIR, WE have to believe there can be HOPE. In the face of a POLITICS that's shut us out, that's told us to settle, that's divided us for too long, WE have to believe WE can be ONE PEOPLE, reaching for what's possible, building that more PERFECT UNION...
And this Christmas and coming New Year is a New Chance, may be the LAST !!! SO Let's Start Using This Chance for GOOD !!! For YOU, for ME and for ALL...Let's Meet Really Merry Christmas and New Year !!!
Yours sincerely, like really sincerely,
I like the new 3D Charles Dickens' timeless tale of an old miser who must face Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet-to-Come as rein-visioned by Robert Zemeckis and staring Jim Carrey.
World Statistik Clock
On the special occasion of 18th anniversary of Kazakhstan's Independence Day there was an official reception with representatives of the Presidential Administration, the Office of the Prime Minister, ministries and departments of the Republic of Poland, foreign diplomats, heads of large companies and the media, the Kazakh Diaspora and students in the Polish capital - Warsaw.
It was noted that such achievements of our country in the foreign policy sphere like chairmanship in the OSCE in 2010 and OIC in 2011 positively influence on implementation of key initiatives of the Kazakh President on further development of the CICA, Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions, and Ministerial Conference "Common World: Progress through Diversity".
In addition, The Kazakh Ambassador expressed hope on Poland's support in the issue of "Path to Europe" program implementation. "Poland has great experience in political and economic transformation and could be one of Kazakhstan's conductors in this program implementation", he said. (Source here)
The event was attended by more than 700 people. At the end the triumph of his members became owners of the publication of a prominent British politician, journalist, writer and author of numerous bestsellers on public figures of Jonathan Aitken "Nazarbaev and the creation of Kazakhstan.".
Let me recall that Kazakhstan declared itself an independent country on December 16, 1991, the last Soviet republic to do so. Its communist-era leader, Nursultan Nazarbayev, became the country's new president. From the onset, Kazakhstan's leaders recognized that building a viable and stable independent state would require a great deal of diplomatic finesse since no one could easily protect this landlocked state from the effects of Russian displeasure in that period of time.
It is a Protest Video against leasing Kazakhstani land to China !!!
As you all know already, Kazakhstan is paving way to lease its land to China.
You all better watch a movie "Cities on Speed" (Cities on Speed, GLOBAL VISIONS FOR an urban FUTURE is a documentary project commissioned by The Danish Film Institute and the national broadcaster DR . The project is a series of four films – Bogotà Change, Mumbai Disconnected, Cairo Garbage, Shanghai Space -, selected through a call for submissions, directed by four different filmmakers who tell character-based stories on four of the world’s largest megacities: Bogotá, Cairo, Mumbai and Shanghai.)
Find this movie and Watch, afterwards ask a question how can we give our land to lease for China ?
How do we prevent cities from collapsing. This is the official trailer for a new feature film series on the megacity issue. Join this exciting journey to Mumbai, Shanghai, Bogotá and Cairo.
Mr. Karim Massimov alleged that it is all falsification and farther from truth, but we do not put trust on our government any longer. It is possible actually. I even guess everything is possible in these times that financial crisis brought about. We need you ! to join our Activity on Facebook, Twitter, Mail.ru, VKontakte, whenever you have time !
Share this video !!!
Join Facebook Group Now !
Why Cookbooks Aren't Enough though ?
Okay, so cookbooks can be fun. Mouthwatering pictures. Ethnic cuisines. Inspiring ideas. Maybe you even try a recipe or two.
But, here's what's often wrong with many of them:
1) They tell you to open a can of this or a box of that.
Have you ever looked at the ingredients labels on those cans of cream of mushroom soup or boxes of spanish rice? You'd need a degree in chemistry just to understand it! Whatever happened to real food? You can make a cream of mushroom soup from-scratch in about 15 minutes. And if you time it well, you could probably use the from-scratch cream of mushroom soup in a recipe without adding any additional time to how long it takes you to get dinner on the table.
2) They leave out important information.
Remember what I said about thawing meat? You really want to bring cuts of meat up to room temperature before you start cooking them. A cookbook isn't going to tell you that. It won't tell you what the difference is between cubing, dicing, or mincing. It won't tell you how to care for your frying fats so that you can safely re-use them later. It's easy to become quickly discouraged if you follow a recipe's directions but end up with a disaster (or at least a not-so-appetizing meal) on your hands.
3) They don't teach you how to source ingredients.
For example, not all potatoes are created equal. Some varieties are good for baking, while others are better for potato salad. Most cookbooks don't tell you how to buy ripe peaches or select cuts of meat. They don't tell you why even your store bought whole milk isn't as creamy as the milk your grandmother cooked with when she lived on a farm, or how that might affect the outcome of a recipe. They don't tell you how to find quality cooking oils.
I just recently read a book How To Cook Like Your Grandmother, but there was nothing about Central Asian Cuisine.
Of course, here comes the point that I need our Kazakh Cook Book. I had it actually in Russian and another one in English from Peace Corps in Almaty, but I lost both of them. Unfortunately there are not much information about how to cook real traditional meal with explanations in English, so that it could give people like me -- people like you -- the tools you'd need to start enjoying wholesome, tasty, from-scratch Kazakh Meals.
Hopefully these web pages will empower you to start as well:
Sheet music is music laid out in physical format. Essentially the guitar sheet music requires two types of musical notations, the standard notation and the tablature. Both these notations enable you to play the guitar. Tablature or tabs as they are called are musical notations used to play fretted instruments. Six lines that symbolize the six strings of the guitar are contained in a guitar staff.
Guitar tablature is designed only for fretted instruments. Very often standard notation and guitar tabs are combined, to play the instrument, one to get the rhythm and the other to help you on how and where to play the notes. If you decide to collect guitar sheet music, you must store it well. This way you can protect your sheet music for a longer period of time.
The internet is an excellent source for free and paid guitar sheet music. Not only are old classics available online, but the latest songs in sheet music are also available on a number of websites that specially sell guitar sheet music.
As you take guitar lessons either on your own or with a help of a professional guitar player, you are most likely to encounter guitar sheet music. Guitar sheet music is a printed musical notation for guitar. There are basically two types of musical notations for guitar : standard notation and tablature. These notations tell you which notes to play on your guitar.
Standard Notation
Each kind of note has its own duration – for instance, a quarter note lasts one beat; a half note, two beats; and a whole note, four beats.
Since a guitar tablature or a tab shows a clear-cut illustration of the fretboard, it is much easier to use. Also, a guitar tab avoids confusion since notes in a standard notation can be played in different strings and frets.
For better appreciation of the music, it would be better to get a guitar sheet music with both standard and tablature notations.
Many guitar books available with tablature notation will also have a staff above with the guitar sheet music notation. It is possible to play music written for other instruments as well as music notation doesn’t describe how to play the notes on a particular instrument but more which notes to play.
Using guitar sheet music notation with alternative tunings on the guitar is a bit difficult to say the least.
Also, check out my other reviews on Digital Piano and Brass Instruments.
The girl who I fell in love with lives somewhere in Poland, originally from Kazakhstan, more or less from Kazakhstan, doing her Masters and studying basically Polish, writing her master thesis about human resources and cross-cultural exchange.
Free MySpace Comments
She is a very pretty young girl, she has her mother's delicate features, proud turn of the head, but her eyes are dark instead of blue, which I am exactly crazy about, and she has a sulky red mouth not without an attraction, who likes stroking people and putting them at ease, keeping her chin thoughtfully up permitted herself to chuckle a little. She is a really beautiful sweetheart blessed by God.

I still was thinking how my declaration of love should have been made. Recently we had a trip to Venice, despite of genteel student poverty hard up life, we had a great time together in the face of some troubles at the beginning. We rented a car and paved the way towards our choice, to arividerchi incredible Italy.

I remember the moment, when we were on the ship moving to Murano seashore and were kissing each other, I put my arms round her slender waist almost taking off our clothes despite the torrential rains, wild night, malevolently howling wind outside and people looking at us strangely, wondering where we came from and why those Chinese tourists surprisingly acting themselves this way in the public, which was extraordinary extrinsic.

Hey, btw, feeding birds in Venice is extremely prohibited :O !!! Police aka <<"Tourists Feeding Doves" Busters>> charge 50 Eur. Great governmental way to make money out of tourism !!!

Declaration of love, declaration of love, declaration of love, declaration of love, declaration of love ... I was thinking so many times about it before an engagement. And every time it was dissimilar to previous one in different stages and with different people.
Declaration of love is very romantic experience. As a rule, a man declares his love and desire to live with this wonderful woman till their dying day. However, exceptions also happen. We will consider the traditional engagement when a man asks his beloved about her feelings and intentions. But first we will look at some engagement traditions in various cultures.
When. The best time of day for declaration of love is evening. This is because everyone is more relaxed in the evening and tuned on romantic mood. If you succeed in creating appropriate atmosphere in the morning or at noon, go ahead!
As for the time in figurative meaning… Sometimes even the first problems on the horizon may demonstrate the unattractive features of character of your lover, and not every person can endure his. Love fades in the face of cowardice, dishonesty, intolerance and other drawbacks. Tolerance and understanding, and not only love, acquire the greatest importance. That's why, it is essentially important to make your choice having thought-out everything well. Of course, marriage nowadays is not necessarily forever, but the wrong choice may cost you a happy life. So, deciding whether it is time to declare you love, answer the following questions:
1. Are you ready to spend your life with this person and love her in her old age?
2. Will you condone her shortcomings and praise her merits?
3. Can you imagine your life together in case of some drastic changes in your lifestyles?
4. Do you know each other well enough?
Where and How. The questions of where and how are associated. For instance, if you decide to declare your love to your beloved at the seaside, the most romantic will be the declaration on the shore. You can find some secluded corner, or maybe rent a house on the shore. When she comes, she sees a beautiful picture: a table served for two, many candles not only on the table, but all around, even on the sand. Her way to this table is strewed with rose petals. You are welcoming her with the gorgeous bouquet of flowers. You are holding a real shell, in which an engagement ring is placed. When the appropriate time comes, you ask her to open it.
Helpful sites:
If your choice is to declare your love in some extreme environment, possible variants may be the skydiving - there is no need even in some special declaration, just tell her "I love you and I want you to be my wife on the earth and in the sky", or something of this kind. Milder variant is the scuba diving - it can be more romantic and less dangerous. You can "find" an engagement ring among the seaweeds or on coral reefs. Your future bride can also find her engagement ring in the parcel, which she receives from you; besides the ring, you should put a flower and a letter explaining your feelings and intentions. Very simple, but not less romantic variant is to attach the ring to the gorgeous bouquet and to hand it to his bride-to-be.
Above-mentioned were the private declarations of love, that is nobody beside you two takes part in the engagement. However, the engagement can also be made in public. The public declarations are better to be conducted only if you are completely confident in her positive answer. Otherwise, this will be a great blow to your dignity. One of the most traditional and at the same time intimate ways of declaration of love is declaration in front of the relatives and friends. The best way is to establish a special party. It can also be a surprise, in this case the actual aim of the party should be veiled by the reason of birthday or some other important event. However, you should be sure that your beloved will perceive this adequately. The official marriage proposal can also be made after you have declared your love to her, and now you want to ask the permission of her parents. You can bring presents to them as the expression of your gratitude for their daughter. Wider public is available in some TV show, when you declare your love on air; in radio broadcasting; on the board of the airplane; in a small theater, when you agree with all the actors that you'll go on stage with your beloved in the end of the play. In any case, the declaration of love will lead to successful engagement if you know your partner well and can anticipate her reaction to any of your scenarios.
Sing this chorus while watching videos:
In the heat of the night, so right
You taste my sweetness on your lips
I'll make it better than you ever dreamed
And the rest of your life will be just like this, baby
Today I would like to present you one youtube channel that I find very interesting, covering some really fascinating corners of kazakh history.
During 16th Nov' - 18th Nov' - 21st Nov' 2009 some students from DAAD, Bolashak and Fulbright-Kirkland Programs (Nurtolkyn Dadikbayeva, Gulmirochka Mirmanova, Almaz Kanybekuly, Askhat Zhakipov, Abai Mirmanov) will be having a trip to The Conference in Venice, Italy.
Let's wish them "Ak Zhol" and Happy journey with Godspeed!
Another occasion is Abai's Arrival to Frankfurt on 15th Nov'09 for business purposes, who extended his stay in Germany until 21st of Nov'2009.
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One night at Nuova Locanda Belvedere, Venice.
Address: Via Mezzacapo, 1.
Tel: +39041926596.
Room: Private for 4 persons on 19th Nov'09.
Nuova Locanda Belvedere Rating
Nuova Locanda Belvedere Overview
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Отечественные казахстанские Сериалы : Братья / Агайынды (2009) DVDRip скачать:
Информация о фильме:
Название: Братья
Оригинальное название: Агайынды
Год выпуска: 2009
Жанр: Криминал, мелодрама
Режиссер: Ахан Сатаев
В ролях: Берик Айтжанов, Нурлан Алимжанов, Ануар Нурпеисов, Айдос Бектемиров, Майра Омар, Жан Байжанбаев, Саят Исембаев, Мурат Бесембин, Владимир Крылов, Эдуард Табишев
Кол-во партов: много
Залито на: Rapidshare
О фильме:
Это фильм про трех братьев, которые родились и выросли в ауле. Отец и мать — простые сельчане, не нажили больших богатств, зато в семье царят взаимная любовь и согласие. «Дети и жена — вот мое богатство», — не устает подчеркивать глава семьи Ерсаин. Криминал, большой бизнес, любовь, предательство, смерть, рождение — словом, жизнь в «Братьях» показана такой, какая она есть. Главные события в жизни троих братьев разворачиваются с 1996 года. Старший — Чингиз после окончания института уехал в Алматы, чтобы заняться бизнесом. Средний, Куаныш — подающий большие надежды спортсмен, случайно становится на криминальный путь. А Бахыт, младший, отслужив в армии, возвращается домой. Он хочет заняться сельским хозяйством и лелеять родительскую старость...
Выпущено: Казахстан
Продолжительность: 6 x ~ 01:00:00
Язык: Руссий, Казахский
Субтитры: Русские (в местах где говорят по казахски)
Качество: DVDRip
Видео: XviD, ~ 1650 Кбит/с, 704x384
Аудио: AC3, 2 ch, 192 Кбит/с
Размер: 4.10 ГБ
Video about Movie: NEWS
Official Trailer of "Bratia" kazakhstani movie:
Братья / Агайынды (2009)- Bratia / Againdy Rapidshare Download:
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I would love to invite my friends to Halloween Party, which will take place in Munich on Saturday - the last Day of leaving lovely October'2009.
Other information via O2. =)
All the best and all of you.
There's a world that exists beyond this one.
Why do people believe so swift that paranormal phenomena truely exist in our lifetime? In Internet you can find dozens of sites and pages where every one can find haunted places, true ghost stories, Unidentified flying objects stories, ghost photographs and video, tips for ghost hunting, plus information on life after death, reincarnation, past lives and more.
I confess, I've become overly involved with Facebook.
I have done the obvious things — connected with old friends, engaged in fun, and sometimes even had deep discussions after putting up a status report. I ignore the groups, the events, the gifts, the applications and the 1,300 people I haven't friended because they didn't leave me an interesting or relevant message. But a few months ago, I got an odd request — to join this group: PARANORMAL (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=36216685771), since that time I've become pretty stuck at this issue to get to know why we easyly believe in something that is difficult to be true rather than something that is reality.
More about this topic you can find here:
"Strange Communication" - a documentary about the most unusual and daring experiments, which are held in the name of science. Discovery Science will familiarize you with the most unbelievable strange connections.
In Series Coupé "Dog Who Knew Too Much" you see how dog-telepath can help predict earthquakes.
Disasters are the result of a chain of critical events. Documentary film "Seconds From Disaster" will reveal mysteries of these events. "Collision on the runway"
Because of the bomb at the airport two jets directed at a small airfield on an island off the coast of Africa. After eight minutes of the worst aviation disaster in history will kill 583 people.
Seven Wonders of the World - Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Colossus of Rhodes, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Great Pyramid
Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia.
Nowadays, computer technology can do the impossible - to portray the famous 7 wonders of the world, of which up to now remained only the pyramids of Giza. How people managed to build such amazing buildings? This
authors try to answer the question the film.
There is multiserial cycle, where you'll see the most terrible catastrophe which could shoot on film. The program "Lightning disaster" you will see explosions, tornadoes, violent storms, derailed trains, aviokatastrofy destroyed skyscrapers, nuclear weapons testing and much more. Ron Peet talk about the causes and consequences of these man-made and natural disasters, filmed a video camera.
Documentary film "Human behavior. Experiments" tells of the boldest experiments conducted on human beings. Why does a woman to obey orders by phone to search the innocent employee? Why four young men looked at how their friend dies? How could the soldiers with a good track record to behave like barbarians? Answers to these questions can be found conducting experiments exploring human behavior.
This film is not a precious stone of documentary films, but information contained in the film is extremely well structured and very important.
In the documentary "Devil's Bible" you will join scholars who undertook an unprecedented challenge - to uncover the secrets of one of the most famous manuscripts in the history of mankind, "Codex gigas", or "Devil's Bible", which is also called the "eighth wonder of the world.
About the UFO is said and written already done. Which phenomena and objects hunters "flying disc called the" NGO - unidentified underwater objects?
Aliens' captures the depth of the oceans. NGOs are able to dive to great depth, immediately fall into several objects and develop under the water for such a speed that is impossible, even in the most advanced combat systems, both in the United States and Russia.
Attacks underwater UFO, commander of the Soviet nuclear submarine demonstrates the results of such a clash.
Commander Naval Forces of the USSR confirms the existence of UFOs under the water.
The loss of submarines, after contact with a UFO - not paranoid and not fiction, information about the tragic events in the Atlantic, the Pacific Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.
And much more...
There is also good group to join at VKONTAKTE.RU
In Kizlyar, Dagestan traveling pilgrims from all over the country to see the miracle child. So call nine-month boy, Ali. His body began to appear with the birth birthmarks in the form of Arabic ligature. First, individual letters, and then the whole texts, which were texts from the Koran.
В дагестанский Кизляр едут паломники со всей республики, чтобы увидеть чудо-ребенка. Так называют девятимесячного мальчика Али. На его теле с рождения стали появляться родимые пятна в виде арабской вязи. Сначала отдельные буквы, а потом целые тексты, которые оказались текстами из Корана.
Ученые дать объяснения происходящему не могут.
Это аят - стих из Корана. Но записанный и прочитанный не в Священной книге мусульман, а на ноге маленького Али. Арабские буквы, слова, а потом и целые тексты стали появляться на теле ребенка сразу после рождения. "Сначала у него на подбородке появилась гематома. Когда синяк сошел, оставалось слово "Аллах", - рассказывает мама Мадина Якубова.
Родители не верили своим глазам, но на всякий случай фотографировали незнакомые надписи. Когда загадочные фразы начали приобретать ясные графические очертания, позвали муллу из сельской мечети. Имам Абдула, увидев это чудо, долго не мог придти в себя. Но в тот день на ножке малыша опять явно проступала арабская вязь. Так продолжается все десять месяцев с момента рождения ребенка. Дважды в неделю, как правило в понедельник и пятницу, на голени и лодыжке вырисовываются, а потом исчезают похожие на родимые пятна слова. Каждый раз новые и с каждым разом все более сложные. "Когда появляются надписи, Али не спит всю ночь, плачет, у него поднимается температура", - говорит мама мальчика.
В такие ночи ребенку не могут помочь ни родители, ни врачи. Высокую температуру невозможно сбить даже сильными лекарствами. Боль проходит только к утру, когда на теле мальчика появляются новые хадисы или аяты.
Впрочем, самое удивительное состоит в том, что рожденный восьмимесячным Али появился на свет с серьезными патологиями. В роддоме поставили диагноз "ишемическая болезнь сердца второй стадии" и "детский церебральный паралич". Но после того как с мальчиком стали происходить необъяснимые явления, хвори отступили сами по себе. "Мы сделали УЗИ и все анализы. Ребенок действительно здоров", - подтверждает участковый врач-педиатр Саида Расулова.
Полтора месяца назад, когда мусульмане готовились держать пост или, как говорят в Дагестане, уразу, Али вновь удивил всю округу. Но уже не надписями, а необычным поведением.
Появление текстов из Корана на теле малыша кардинально изменило жизнь всей прежде светской семьи. Молодые родители приняли ислам и теперь, как и многие односельчане, уверены: все, что происходит с их сыном, - знамение от Аллаха, ниспосланное людям. Депутат районного собрания Ахмедпаша Амиралаев говорит, что "это знамение Всевышнего людям, чтобы в Дагестане прекратились смуты и распри".
К дому Магомедовых в Красно-Октябрьском, прослышав о чудо-ребенке, как в паломничество, уже потянулись сотни дагестанских мусульман. Все хотят увидеть маленького Али собственными глазами. Родители, боясь, что сына могут сглазить или случайно заразить какой-нибудь инфекцией, теперь неохотно показывают его даже журналистам. А местные власти, опасаясь ажиотажа и наплыва визитеров, решили взять дом под круглосуточную охрану.
Юным феноменом уже заинтересовались дагестанские ученые. Однако в республиканском Институте физики РАН комментировать загадочное появление арабской вязи на теле маленького мальчика отказались, сославшись на то, что объяснить это чудо современной науке вряд ли под силу.
Абай Кунанбаев "Желсиз тунде жарык ай" ("На воде, как челнок, луна") - Подарок Сталину - скачать
Posted by almazonlyАбай Кунанбаев
"Желсиз тунде жарык ай" ("На воде, как челнок, луна")
Подарок Сталину фильм скачать в лучшем качестве можно здесь:
Абай Кунанбаев
"Желсиз тунде жарык ай" ("На воде, как челнок, луна")
Zhelsiz tunde zharyk aj
Saulesi sudaj dirildep
Auldyn zhany - teren saj
Tasygan ozen gurildep
Auldyn zhany - teren saj
Tasygan ozen guryldep
Kalyn agash zhapyragy
Sybyrlasyp oz - ozi
Korinbejdi zherdin topyragy
Kulpyrgan zhasyl zher zhuzi
Korinbejdi zherdin topyragy
Kulpyrgan zhasyl zher zhuzi
Фильм можно скачать здесь:
Подарок Сталину
PASSWORD: almazonly
Абай Кунанбаев
"Желсиз тунде жарык ай" ("На воде, как челнок, луна")
можно скачать здесь в лучшем качестве:
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Habar Caspionet Kazakhfilm qazaq kazakh Абай Кунанбайулы - Желсиз
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Москва Мосфильм Казахфильм Досмукасан казахские песни Роза
Abai Kunanbayev - Zhelsiz tunde zharyk aj.
On 19th of September 2009 in Berline there will be "Kanat and Kuanysh Birthday" meeting.
Unfortunately I can not attend this gorgeous annual birthday party of my friends, which used to get all "VKontakte Leipzig Sprachkurs" students together. Even though I would like to present a little slide, which would remind my participation and substitude my absence.
I need financial support and I will have it actually at the end of this month http://www.tatishevfoundation.kz/programs/blagotvoritel_nost/(offset)/0
The reason why I will be out of the updating stuff to do is that I will be working on a new style of the web page platform as well as will be looking for another search in depth analysis databases. Recently I have been virus attacked, therefore security problem now is a very important issues. While facing this challenge I started to be linked up with some security providers, such as Web Site Security Center: Check & Implement Web Site Security and starting that time the database strategy is changed.
Great performance, no fake decorations - real kazakhstan landscape
This is the way how we should do it. Don't give up. Go ahead !!! Go on, man. Shyngyz known as Kazakhstan Hip-Hop Han is paving the way to introduce Rap in kazakh manner. So, we shall see. Respect.
There are a couple of templates and drafts of this web site are already ready to be uploaded. The problem is we need something unusual, impenetrable and new ideas on how our site should look like. Here are some screenshots of it, so let's choose ! One of them with appropriate logo and information will be changed to existing one in a month.
Students from Kazakhstan are having quite a tough time, facing the challenge of passing exams in Germany. The german examination regulations put a strain on them. Even though our kazakhstani students can overcome this stress situation very well. They are trying to take a hold upon themselves to crack this semester successfully. And let us to wish them every success!
This video is a propitious omen showing how strong kazakh "Jigitteri" are !