Tankster Beats:
World Statistik Clock
Tankster Beats:
VSEM ! VSEM ! VSEM !!! KazaKhstancam !!! =)
Kstaty, rebjata iz KZ, hotelos by vas vseh uvedomit' o tom, chto v Augsburge ne podaleku ot Muenchena, gde ja, sobstvenno, nahozhus', imeetsja Sistema Radioelektronnoy razvedki Eshelon - mnogonacionalnaja set' elektronnyh proslushivajushih stancij, kotorye perehvatyvajut liubuju cifrovuju informaciju na etoj zemle cherez sputniki, vse radiosignaly, telexsy, elektronnuju pochtu, faxy, telefonnye razgovory, vse dannye, peredavaemye cherez Internet. Algoritm raspoznovanija informacii proizvoditsja s pomoshju codov i kluchevyh slov. Nedavno, Kazakhstan stal odnoj iz stran uchastnic ili zhe, tak skazat', klientov Agenstva Nacionalnoj bezopasnosti US, i nashi razvedyvatelnye sluzhby poluchajut ezhednevno kuchu informacii s sootvetstvujushimi kljuchevymi slovami zaproshennye nashimi sluzhbami, kak naprimer, T-o-m-b-o-v - S-a-r-a-t-o-v- - k-o-r-r-u-p-c-i-a- -i- t.-d.-... poetomu, rebjata, budte poostorozhee s commentarijami, zavedomu ostavlennyh na liubyh saitah kasatelno politicheskoj situacii v nashej strane, osobenno na youtube, mail.ru i Vkontakte, da i v celom , v telefonnyh razgovorah, skype, e-mail, etc... Ved' skoro u nas vybory v 2012, nu i sami ponimaete, situacija u nas v strane, kak pravilo, v takie momenty, nakaliaetsja. vot tak vot, vse logichno i prosto. Udachi !
Давненько не практиковался и порядком все позабыл:
Zimmer fuer Zwischenmiette in WG GESUCHT.de (Vermiettung)
Meine Anzeige ist hier:
На данный интересующий Вас вопрос может поспособствовать следующий очень позитивный видеоряд.
Приятного просмотра ; )
Кстати, столько имен прилагательных в видео я еще никогда не слышал.
Очень полезно для изучающих русский язык.
I knew Argentina because of Maradona.....Don't cry Argentina, don't cry Maradona and Messi, The world cup is not the main goal of the championship, as it was stressed at the beginning of the game - The only and Main Goal is Saying "NO TO RACISM !" - it`s the reason why the game still exists, of course, it attracts billions of people by its uniqueness and beautifulness of human skills, even though, my love still comes to Argentina and Maradona + Messi...
We have to respect our adversaries !
BTW, F*** !!! Stop talking BullS*** to Maradonna !!! He is not taking Cocaine anymore !!! already 5 years and never ever !!! It is his life, we all as human beings DO МАКЕ Mistakes, but important is to understand that this is not right way and prevent others doing it. Maradonna said: "Ball is never get Dirty !!!" and he says to referees who laugh at him: "Referees are the only ones who don't play ball !!!"
I Love Maradonna !!!
Messi is Young and has good Skills !!! God bless him !!!
All success to Germany Team ! They are very strong, and this year are better prepared for the FIFA World Cup 2010 !!!
VIEL ERFOLG !!! Deutschland, Deutschalnd...
Alley, alley ist eine Gasse mit viele Bäume, und es ist eine Alley !!
The following video is the representation of a depiction of the interactions between War and Science. We improve our living conditions by technologies, but should we apply the same concept on humans, it might rise eugenics, well described by Francis Galton. Should we be worried about the application of Nanotechnology into War needs...
Marshall Thomas's explosive Monarch book trilogy and video series exposes the New Phoenix Program currently being carried out on political activists and dissident civilians. The Phoenix Program, assassinating suspected VC sympathizers in a systematic manner, worked well during the Vietnam War and is the blueprint for the current black op targeting thousands of loyal Americans using state of the art microwave (MW) and radio frequency radiation (RFR) weapons.
17 Июня 2010 состоялся завершающий 7-й матч на Титулство Чемпиона NBA 2010, 16-й Чемпионат NBA между Los Angeles Lakers и Boston Celtics, достойным Победителем которого со счетом 83 против 79 Celtics стал LA Lakers - моя любимая команда. Это была достойная борьба сильнейших команд Мира по баскетболу.
Лэйкерс сново выиграли титулство, подтвердив своё исключительное Чемпионство в 2010. Для Kobe Bryant (Кобе Брайнта)это был уже пятый чемпионат и вторая премия Most Valuable Player of the year (Самый Прогрессирующий Игрок НБА). Этот чемпионат очередной раз подлил масло к бесплодным дискуссиям, кто самый великий игрок Michael Jordan или же Kobe Bryant ? Конечно же очевидно и то, что данная премия заслуженно досталась Kobe благодаря его команды: Pau Gasol, Ron Artest and Derek Fisher, которые дали критические очки в нужные моменты игры а также ту энергию, которая и повела команду к победе. Чемпионат был особенно важен для Рона Артеста, который получил репутацию неуравновешенного игрока после нападения его на фанатов с трибун. Поэтому никому не было удивительным когда он сказал после матчевого интервью, что особо благодарен своему психиатору, который помог ему собраться с силами и не волноваться.
Для Celtics же, напротив, этот Чемпионат выдался очень сложным, так как команда регулярно играла предыдущие сезоны не достаточно выразительно и уверенно, но сумела собраться в нужное время в Playoff. Состав команды Celtics - достаточно взрослый, многим уже за 30, да и тренер Doc Rivers до конца не был уверен вернется ли он в Celtics. Однако, стоит им отдать должное - они серьезно подошли к этому сезону и знали к чему идут. Они были у тисках победы. Эта была самая настоящая схватка сильнейших. Как сам Kobe говорит, давно он не испытывал такое противостояние. Феноменальный момент в Истории NBA.
Все игры НБА Плэйоф 2010, All Games of NBA Playoff 2010 можно посмотреть здесь:
Последнюю Игру здесь:
Matter of fact, This is just Orchestral Rap Love Beat =)
Альбом Рэп Группы из Казахстана "Филиал FB" a.k.a. Drap, Filial FB можно скачать здесь:
И все таки, отношения на расстоянии - это так мучительно. Благо, есть Skype, жаль, что нет времени засиживаться в интернете уставившись в монитор беседовать на разные темы со своей любимой. Я за совместное проживание, и в этом нахожу свои преимущества. Задаюсь вопросом, и почему у солдат в казармах нет Internet-а на два часа перед отбоем, к примеру ? Пользовались бы строго по Уставу, и только соответствующими soft -ами. Назначили бы администратора, который нес бы ответственоость за контролем истории пользования Internet - ом военнослужащим, установили бы порядок пользования, какими server - ами можно пользоваться, а какими нельзя. Допустим, за посещение порно сайта - строгий выговор и на доску позора, и т.д. Немного попахивает цензурой. Но а иначе нельзя. Беседовали бы военнослужщие со своими родителями, возлюбленными, с друзьями по Skype - у, переписывались. Сколько бы это сэкономило времени и сказалось бы на благополучии семей, здоровье, сэкономило бы макулатуры на эти бумажные письма, ну и много чего, тема не об этом. Нужно шагать в ногу со временем ! Ну это все так, к месту. На самом деле, я хотел лишь поблагодарить Гульмиру, которую я люблю всем сердцем за то, что она есть такая, какая она есть, и что дорожит нашими отношениями также сильно, как и я. Спасибо Аллаху, что мы живы, здоровы, любим друг друга, хоть и поотдаль друг от друга.
Cool Flash Generators at BLINGCHEESE.COM
Ghetto Dogs - Fox News a.k.a. Lloyd Banks's Beamer, Benz and Bentley. ПЛАГИАТ !!!
Posted by almazonlyNEW NEW NEW NEW NEW !!!
Lloyd Banks - Beamer Benz or Bentley Remix HQ.
Ghetto Dogs - Fox News Скачать
Kazakhstan Response
Казахстанский Рэп.
Lloyd Banks Beamer, Benz Or Bentley f. Juelz Santana,
Beamer, Benz, Or Bentley
Beamer, Benz, Or Bentley
Beamer, Benz, Or Bentley
My jeans are never empty
Beamer, Benz, Or Bentley
Beamer, Benz, Or Bentley
Beamer, Benz, Or Bentley
This scheming dont affect me
This is my Piano improvisation made on Fruity Loops. I hope you enjoy it. If I call it, I would call it "I am sorry or I still love you".
You can download High Quality sounding of it here:
or here:
Here is an official Video of their Song
Enjoy !
The Download Link and other information check below on the description board.
Peace yall !
zSHARE - Hard Rap beat 2010.mp3
I hope you will like it. I'm in Germany now and preparing myself for the last examinations, after then going to finish my Master thesis. Therefore, having no time to produce further Beats. Peace ! Sincerely, almazonly
Here is the video showing why Eminem disappeared from the Music Industry for almost four years. He declines that non-stop schedule can be a little bit overwhelming - touring, recording, court dates, etc... it never ends. So, he decided to take a little meantime and do the things that he wanted to do for a while - Go back and finish High School.
=P lol
Must Watch !
For more Information Visit:
So, don't lose your chance to be associated with romantic love and give your loved ones amazing Greeting Lovely Cards. I offer you an outstanding Valentine cards according to your wishes and desire. All you need is just contact me and send the picture you would like to change and I will make the Valentine Card, whichever you wish. All information will be maintained confidentially.
Что я предлагаю ? В моей коллекции огромное количество поздравительных открыток. Это красочные музыкальные флэш открытки и валентинки для любимых, анимационные открытки с сердечками, ангелочками и розами, на английском языке "happy valentine's day", а также смешные открытки ко дню святого Валентина с приколами и шутками...
Используй свой шанс и будь уникальным в этот день !!! Признайся в любви красочно, ярко и незабывающе !!! Необходимым атрибутом в этот день играют Валентинки. Отправь мне фотографию любимого человека и я наряжу фотографию необычными эффектами. Торопись ! Будь уникальным !
Finally, on January 1st 2010 Kazakhstan took over the Chairmanship of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
Kazakhstan began its one-year chairmanship of the OSCE and reaffirmed its commitment to uphold the fundamental principles and values of the Organization, to proceed according to the interests of all participating States and to strengthen the role of the OSCE as a significant platform for dialogue contributing to security in the wider Eurasian space.
Kazakhstan is assuming the extremely important mission of the Chairmanship
of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) with a sense of
great responsibility. Our country will embark on its Chairmanship during one of the most complicated periods in modern history.
President of Republic of Kazakhstan - N. Nazarbayev Speech over the Chairmanship of the OSCE:
Нурсултан Назарбаев обратился к участникам заседания Постоянного Совета ОБСЕ
Девизом казахстанского председательства будут четыре "Т" - "Trust" (доверие), "Tradition" (традиции), "Transparency" (транспарентность) и "Tolerance" (толерантность).
В своем видеообращении Глава государства изложил основные подходы к деятельности ОБСЕ, огласил девиз и приоритеты Казахстана на посту председателя Организации.
Нурсултан Назарбаев подчеркнул, что председательство Казахстана будет основываться на таких принципах, как доверие, традиции, транспарентность и толерантность.
This is just an amazing video of wildlife in Africa.
Copyright: NegativeSpace Media
Winner! YouTube's Best Eyewitness Video.
A battle between a pride of lions, a herd of buffalo, and 2 crocodiles at a watering hole in South Africa's Kruger National Park while on safari.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE. For licensing opportunities, please visit http://www.BattleAtKruger.com. This video is copyrighted and cannot be used before live audiences or through any form of mass media without the express permission of Jason Schlosberg or David Budzinski. Its use via YouTube is intended for personal use only and can only be viewed on YouTube and websites using the YouTube embed code. Any other use of the video or its screen captures violate this copyright.
Featured on National Geographic, Animal Planet, ABC, and MSNBC!
Top Hip-Hop and RnB record producers:
1. Scott Storch
2. Dr. DRE
3. Luis Resto
Scott Storch's Top 25 Beats:
He is a Canadian record producer. He has found success in many genres of music, particularly hip hop, pop, and R&B. He has his own record label, Storch Music Company and his own music production company, Tuff Jew Productions LLC. In 2006, Rolling Stone estimated that Storch had earned over $70 million in his career. According to a 2007 Forbes article, "Hip Hop Cash Kings," Storch was one of the highest-paid people in the music industry in 2007, having earned $17 million in that year. His fee per track was around $85,000, exclusive of publishing royalties. In July 2008, it was reported that Storch was unable to pay over $500,000 in late property taxes, and a warrant was issued for his arrest for failure to appear at his child-support hearing. According to his attorney, there had been "mismanagement" of Storch's finances.
Dr. DRE's Top 25 Beats:
He is an American record producer, rapper, record executive, and actor. He is the founder and current CEO of Aftermath Entertainment and a former co-owner and artist of Death Row Records, also having produced albums for and overseeing the careers of many rappers signed to those record labels, such as Snoop Dogg, Eminem and 50 Cent. As a producer he is credited as a key figure in the popularization of West Coast G-funk, a style of rap music characterized as synthesizer-based with slow, heavy beats. Dr. Dre has said that his primary instrument in the studio is the Akai MPC3000, a drum machine and sampler, and that he often uses as many as four or five to produce a single recording. He cites George Clinton, Isaac Hayes and Curtis Mayfield as primary musical influences. Unlike most rap producers, he tries to avoid samples as much as possible, preferring to have studio musicians re-play pieces of music he wants to use, because it allows him more flexibility to change the pieces in rhythm and tempo. In 2001 he told Time magazine, "I may hear something I like on an old record that may inspire me, but I'd rather use musicians to re-create the sound or elaborate on it. I can control it better." Other equipment he uses include the E-mu SP-1200 drum machine and other keyboards from such manufacturers as Korg, Rhodes, Wurlitzer, Moog, and Roland.
Luis Resto
He is an american hip hop producer and keyboardist who has worked closely with rapper Eminem since his third major-label album The Eminem Show. He is of Puerto Rican descent, with both of his parents from Puerto Rico, and was raised in Detroit (Garden City), Michigan. He has played the keyboard for several Eminem-produced tracks and is credited for additional production on most Eminem-produced tracks on Encore. He's got his own Business Venture - Resto World Music.
Bass Brothers are recruiting New Jumpstyle Dance Music
Hey, let's take one last look at the Top 10 Songs of 2009.
AOL Radio listeners rating.
10. Jason Derulo 'Whatcha Say'
What's it about? The lyrics are about the not-so-original scenario of girlfriend catching boyfriend cheating.
Did you know? Sampling Imogen Heap's 'Hide and Seek,' the song is a first for up-and-coming R&B singer, whose self-titled debut album drops in Spring 2010.
9. Owl City: 'Fireflies'
What's it about? Adam Young, project-creator of Owl City, wrote this song about insomnia, which features guest vocals by Relient K frontman Matt Thiessen.
Did you know? Six months ago the humble Young was living in his parents' basement in Owatonna, Minnesota, stuck in a low-paying job. 'Fireflies,' among his other songs, was originally written merely for his own amusement, not necessarily intended to share with others.
8. Flo Rida: 'Right Round'
What's it about? Based around Dead or Alive's 1984 hit 'You Spin Me Round (Like a Record),' the song is about his night at strip club.
Did you know? The song was produced as a studio experiment, where audio mixer Dr. Luke provided the sample and Flo Rida recorded his lyrics over the song.
7. Kelly Clarkson: 'My Life Would Suck Without You'
What's it about? Though the title seems self-explanatory, there is a little more to this fast-paced pop song than you may think. Clarkson sings that she and her boyfriend are dysfunctional and fight often, but for some reason he makes her life better and she cannot let him go.
Did you know? Our 7th top song of 2009 now holds the Billboard 100 record for largest leap to the No. 1 position.
6. Kings of Leon: 'Use Somebody'
What's it about? A touching sentiment of fragility, the lyrics are about feeling lonely on the road. The song was inspired from a falling-out lead vocalist Caleb had a couple years ago with the other band members in Glasgow.
Did you know? The song gave the group their first Top 40 hit, reaching No. 4 on the U.S. Billboard 100, No. 2 on the UK and Australian Singles chart, as well as topping charts in Norway, Germany, Canada, Belgian and other countries in 2009.
5. Black Eyed Peas: 'I Gotta Felling'
What's it about? Admit it -- you've blasted this top 2009 song once or twice while getting ready to go out, or danced along to it at a club or house party with friends. It's catchy, and well, pretty self-explanatory.
Did you know? The dance number was produced by Will.i.am and French house DJ David Guetta, the latter making an appearance in the music video along with Katy Perry, American rapper Kid Cudi, and model/actress Chantal Jones.
4. Lady GaGa: 'Face'
What's it about? Despite its upbeat electropop vibe, the song denotes a darker meaning of not "sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll" but rather, "sex, gambling, and bisexuality."
Did you know? Lady GaGa says she wrote the song as a tribute to her rock 'n' roll boyfriends.
3. Iyaz: 'Replay'
What's it about? 2009's third biggest song is about a girl that he can't get out of his head, resulting in an infectious melody that we "can't keep out" as we're "singin' like na na na everyday" while our "iPod's stuck on replay." Thanks dude -- you really got the point across.
Did you know? Iyaz was discovered by reggae-fusion singer and rapper Sean Kingston, who spotted Iyaz's music video posted on MySpace, originally created for a digital recording class.
2. Jay Sean: 'Down'
What's it about? London-born Jay Sean wrote this song in efforts to "take everyone's mind away from being down."
Did you know? Lil Wayne was not originally featured in the song. As president of the record label the album is under, Lil Wayne surprised Sean with a rap verse following the second verse in a demo. Since it's debut June 30, 2009, the single has reached the Top 5 at the Billboard Hot 100 chart, peaking at No. 2 since September.
1. Taylor Swift: 'You Belong With Me'
What's it about? Swift is in love with a friend and tries to convince him that his girlfriend does not understand him the way that she does.
Did you know? The first lines of our No.1 top song of 2009 were inspired by Swift overhearing a male friend of hers on the phone with his girlfriend. She was berating him for hanging up on her.
Strongly recommended to watch:
"Фрикадельки" лидируют в американском прокате.
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009)
Информация о фильме
Название: Облачно, возможны осадки в виде фрикаделек
Оригинальное название: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Год выхода: 2009
Жанр: семейный, мультфильм
Режиссер: Фил Лорд, Крис Миллер
В ролях: Билл Хадер, Анна Фэрис, Джеймс Каан, Энди Сэмберг, Брюс Кэмпбелл, Мистер Ти, Бобби Дж. Томпсон, Бенджамин Брэтт, Нил Патрик Харрис, Эл Рокер
О фильме:
Ученый пытается избавить беднейшую часть человечества от голода, но что-то у него идет не так, и в результате с неба начинают выпадать осадки в виде… еды.
И снова в американском прокате лидирует 3D-мультфильм - "Облачно, временами фрикадельки" в премьерный уикэнд собрал $30 миллионов.
Невероятная история о сумасшедшем ученом, который изобрёл способ превращения воды в еду, вторую неделю остается лидером в рейтинге самых кассовых новинок кинопроката. В России громкая премьера мультика ожидается 22 октября, в отечественной версии его озвучили звёзды бывшего «ОСП»: Александр ПУШНОЙ, Татьяна ЛАЗАРЕВА и Михаил ШАЦ.