- If you tend to have significantly more leisure time in Germany before, Kazakhstan will make you having no time at all.
- If you had a bit of money working from time to time, Kazakhstan will make you having no money even working full time job.
- If the right hemisphere of your brain was working mysteriously, Kazakhstan will make you dumb with all cognitive abilities of your brain.
- If you didn't have any loans from bank, Kazakhstan will make you to have tons of debts to different banks and friends.
- If you feel yourself young and strong to start climbing the mountain of your career, in Kazakhstan you are already old by age of 30 to start anything.
- If you were idealist, Kazakhstan will make you realist.
- If you were seeking the way how to pave your path to make a big contribution into society and science, in Kazakhstan you just have to make kids.
but even though, despite everything, I freakin' love my country and its people even more. interesting ... strange but true.
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